Annual Seminar

After the success of our 1st Seminar in November 2024, we are delighted to announce that we will be continuing this tradition with our 2nd Annual Seminar coming in November 2024. 

The Board work tirelessly throughout the year to promote the Charity, grant applications, and organise events. So although we currently don't have any information on this event at this time we would ask that you be patient with us, and come back at a later date for more all the details. 

Working Date: Saturday 22nd November 2025 (TBC) 

Location: TBC

If you would like to be kept up to date with this events development please email us, or Like and Follow our Facebook page. 

If you are an Instructor and would like to be a part of this Seminar please email us with '2nd Annual Seminar Instructor' as the subject line. 

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Thank you for your interest in Geez a Gi. Whether you have questions about how you can support us or you would like to apply for a Gi, please fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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