Calling all Members, you are invited to Geez A Gi's first Annual General Meeting.
Since this is our first event, and we have Members from all over the country, we have decided to keep the cost down by hosting this AGM via Google Meets.
Prior to the AGM you will be invited to run for a position on the Board, and to highlight any topic that you would like addressed at the AGM. Please take the time to think about this as changes will not be able to be made on the day.
29th October 2023
Via Google Meets
(link will be shared here)
Silent Auction Items are;
Thank you for your interest in Geez a Gi. Whether you have questions about how you can support us or you would like to apply for a Gi, please fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
The information provided in this section will only be retained for the time it takes for us to contact you. Thereafter it will be destroyed.